Boris: "YOU!..I can't believe's thanks to my sister that I found out you blocked me..but, that's just fine. Thanks for misinterpreting. Whoever said I wanted a date either... I had my time and my heart to give to a friend I thought was special and sincere..with those blue ocean eyes and that warm smile..only to find out how two faced your personality turned out to be...Forget it. I had feelings for you..but, now I am not so certain anymore..I know who really deserves my heart..How could you..all these small memories hurt me so much..just to find out you are like the rest of other people that I've met and shared my heart, gave my time only to be stepped on like a rug...I loved you...Now, I just want you never to see me again..for the sake of not getting hurt whomever you want live your busy life, hang out with the friends who have money and everything you ever heart and my time was all but wasted..I may still be your friend..but, never will I ever be the same again... :/
Boris: "Sigh..I have only myself to blame..I am sorry..." April 25th, 2011
Boris: Listen, Amb..disregard the other two messages, really hear me out. I didn't think I would like you in this way. I just, got too lonely. I know I have myself to blame, because. I am the one that drove you away in the first place. Thanks to Baley, I met you. That day on your first birthday, I stepped in as your first arrival. I didn't really think much of you back, then. But, something happened and I started getting a little spark...Sure, I can take all the blame for it..but, can you really help it. You are just someone I need in my life. I am not someone that's too big or famous or really rich. Just someone who wants to spend time with you..I am never a stranger, ya know. Whether you are busy or I am..I always want to make at least a time or a second.
I got carried away with being lonely..My sister tells me I should really let it out. It's true, we need time apart..but, just to tell you. I met you and it doesn't seem fair to walk out on me. After just a little time....I showed my feelings in the wrong way. Let me try again...I really can't think back and be happy again with just memories..That's why it hurts a lot..when I can't get you out of my head. If anything there's more than your smile and your eyes..let me come to you and I'll make sure to make things right. Just so you know, come back...I really need you again..because, you made me feel not so alone..this'll really be my last message to you. I promise...the old Boris will always be here. I just want to come back and see Trixi again..." April 25th 2011
Trixi: "Hey Boris,
Sorry I haven't had a chance to respond I've been busy with finals and things
Sincerely I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, everything did become too much for me. I'm so sorry that you have been lonely, that is one of thee worst feelings to have and so i can understand where you're coming from.But Just so I understand where you're coming from more, what did you want to come from our relationship? Are you hoping for being more than just friends? Because from what I can tell you do and your feelings are pretty strong? and that's totally flattering but I don't want you to feel lead on by me or anything, and usually when someone has feelings that are that strong its hard for that person to want anything less than a romantic relationship ya know? I feel like even if we were facebook friends again it wouldn't really help you out more, probably just hurt because it would be one sided and I don't want to hurt you more Boris.." April 28th, 2011
Boris: "Hurting?...I know...